Abbaye de Leffe | Leffe Brune / Bruin
Dinant, 1240. In the heart of the Leffe district lies an abbey well-known among the village locals. One morning, the Premonstratensian Fathers that live in the abbey hold a meeting in the refectory on a subject that concerns all the inhabitants of Dinant: how can they avoid the epidemics that spread through contaminated water? After giving the subject some serious thought, the monks come to the idea to purify the water through a process they knew only too well: by turning it into beer. Before long, the inhabitants of Dinant have the pleasure of discovering a deep, dark brown beer, and thousands of pilgrims passing through are more than happy to sample the monks’ hospitality. Leffe Brown was born.
“Leffe Brown’s soft, deep brown colour and the perfect balance between a discreetly bitter yet slightly caramelised taste can be ascribed to age-old traditions. Hints of coffee and chocolate provide this beer with an even more desirable flavour. Served in a Leffe chalice, the smooth, creamy beer head, the roasted aromas and the spiced flavour have the ability to suspend time.”
Video's over Leffe Brune / Bruin
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