Birra Moretti | Birra Moretti L’Autentica / Ricetta Originale
Birra Moretti is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859.
The best raw materials are used to make Birra Moretti, as well as a special blend of high quality hops that gives it a unique taste and fragrance, enhancing its perfectly balanced bitter taste.
It is a bottom fermented beer with a golden colour. This colouring is a result of the type of malt used in brewing.
Its alcohol content is 4.6% alcohol by volume. It is not a strong beer and is therefore perfect for drinking at lunch, at dinner or for evenings out with friends.
Video's over Birra Moretti L’Autentica / Ricetta Originale
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Randy’s Bierblog – Birra Moretti L’Autentica Bier Review.
Aflevering 215: Birra Moretti L’Autentica / Ricetta Originale Birra Moretti on Untappd
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