Birra Peroni | Nastro Azzurro
NOTE: “Peroni” Original and “Peroni Nastro Azzuro” are two different beers. Ensure you are checking into the correct one.
Peroni Nastro Azzurro is 5.1% in alcohol by volume, subject to slight variations in different parts of the world. The beer was crafted with typical Italian care, and designed with the Mediterranean palate in mind. Roberto is the third generation from the Cavalli family to be master brewers for Birra Peroni, ensuring the high quality and standards of the beer. Italian passion, attention to detail and craftsmanship are the ingredients that now, and forever, will ensure the superior and authentic Italian taste of Peroni Nastro Azzurro.
Video's over Nastro Azzurro
Woal Brouwers – Krib 875 Stevig Blond
Een zwaar blond van de @woal.brouwers uit #gendt Verdienstelijk lokaal #bier uit #gelderland #zwaarblond #zwaarblondbier #lokaalbier #propperglassware #lekkerbier #bierreview #bierstagram #blondbier #bierfluencer
Randy’s Bierblog – Peroni Nastro Azzurro Bier Review.
Aflevering 313: Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni on Untappd
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