Schlenkerla (“Heller-Bräu” Trum) | Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier – Weizen
Schlenkerla Smokebeer Wheat is an ale with light smoky aroma. As Bavarian wheat beers, it is being brewed with a mixture of both barley malt and wheat malt. The portion of barley malt is hereby a classic Schlenkerla smokemalt, while the wheat malt remains unsmoked. Served unfiltered with its natural haziness, Schlenkerla Wheat reaches its full aroma through bottle fermentation with fine top fermenting yeast.
Video's over Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier – Weizen
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier | Weizen | Bieromaniac NL Bier Review
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