Damm | Estrella Damm

Brewed in Barcelona with mediterranean ingredients since 1876.

Estrella Damm has been brewed following the original 1876 recipe, using barley malt, rice, and hops. 100% natural ingredients.

The quality of these ingredients is our first priority, and that is why we work directly with local Mediterranean farmers.

Unlike many brewers, we have our own malthouse, which allows us to monitor the entire process first hand.

Estrella Damm is a golden colour with tones of amber and slight shades of green. It is bright and sparkling, with a cream-coloured, long lasting head. It is a beer with lots of delicate, lively bubbles. The generous aroma is of fresh spices. The flavours of toasted grains add to the beer’s personality. The mouthfeel is smooth, thanks to the fine bubbles. Estrella Damm is a fresh-tasting beer, with a lively acidity.