Duvel Moortgat | Duvel
Duvel is a natural beer with a subtle bitterness, a refined flavour and a distinctive hop character. The unique brewing process, which takes about 90 days, guarantees a pure character, delicate effervescence and a pleasant sweet taste of alcohol.
Apart from pure spring water, which is the main ingredient of beer, barley is the most important raw material. Barley must germinate for five days in the malt house, after which malt remains. The colour of the malt and as a consequence also of the beer is determined by the temperature. Duvel obtains its typical bitterness by adding various varieties of aromatic Slovenian and Czech hops. We use only exclusive hops that are renowned for their constant, outstanding quality.
Duvel ferments for the first time in tanks at 20 to 26°C. The brewer uses his own culture for this. The original yeast strain, which Victor Moortgat himself selected in the 1920’s, originates from Scotland. After maturing in storage tanks in which the beer is cooled down to -2°C, the drink is ready for bottling. Thanks to the addition of extra sugars and yeast, the beer ferments again in the bottle. This occurs in warm cellars (24°C) and takes two weeks. Then the beer is moved to cold cellars, where it continues to mature and stabilise for a further six weeks. This extra long maturation period is unique and contributes to the refined flavour and pure taste of Duvel.
Video's over Duvel
Randy’s Bierblog – Top 5 Belgische Supermarkt Bieren Review.
Aflevering 459: Top 5 Belgische Supermarkt Bieren. (Uit de Nederlandse supermarkt.)
PILOT: Duvel Moortgat Showcase | Bieromaniac Brouwerij Showcase
Duvel zal voor weinig speciaalbierliefhebbers tot de verbeelding spreken. Toch komen dit soort bieren, zoals die van Duvel (wellicht te) weinig op dit kanaal voor. Daarom deze Pilot Aflevering van een nieuwe serie, “De Showcase”, waarin ik een rijtje bieren van 1 brouwerij uitlicht om zo een algeheel beeld te vormen van de Brouwerij en […]
Podcasts over Duvel
Wil je wat drinken? 34: Duvel en Duits & Lauret Extra Blond
In deze aflevering vergelijken we Duvel met de Duits & Lauret Extra Blond.