Tree House Brewing Company | King JJJuliusss
To continue with our 4th Anniversary celebration, we brewed an extra kettle hop and extra dry hopped version of King Julius! The result is an incredibly intense citrus hop blast unlike anything we’ve experienced here at Tree House. Mango, orange, and sweet grapefruit are predominant in the aroma with hints of pineapple and blended tropical fruit juice. The taste mirrors the aroma with a juicy mouthfeel and a proper bitterness. Fluffy. This beer challenges the sense and rewards the palate as it warms in the glass. Complex, raw, and beautiful, the amplified King is a beer we are excited to share with you to celebrate four years of Tree House. Thank you!
Video's over King JJJuliusss
Tree House Brewing Co. | King JJJuliusss | New England Double IPA | Bieromaniac NL Bier Review
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Podcasts over King JJJuliusss
Tree House Brewing Company King JJJuliusss
De zesde aflevering van Schuim der Aarde! Waarin Erik niet kan wachten om een Tupperwareparty te organiseren en Job zijn buren de stuipen op het lijf jaagt! Deze week bespreken we het bier King JJJulius van Tree House Brewing. Het heeft lang bovenaan de ‘Top Rated’-lijst van Untappd gestaan en vermaard als één van de […]